Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I find it diffcult to state exactly when I began my spiritual journey without first defining of what a spiritual journey is. If I look at it from the perspective of being a human being having spiritual experiences, I could say they really began for me about 17 years ago, when I was 21. Or, I could take it back further, to when I first started exploring different definitions of spirituality and asked for some tarot cards for my 16th birthday.

Or, I could take it back to before I was born, when I came into this plane with a conscious plan to return to spirit and learn certain lessons.... I could even take it back further than that, to a time before this life, perhaps many lifetimes ago...

But for now, I'll keep it simple, and just say I've always yearned to know more about my spirit. And I explored some things along the way.

I was raised in North Vancouver and I lived in Toronto in my early 20s. Back then, I went to see a Karmic Astrologer who was recommened to me by a girl at the Omega Center in Toronto. The psychic's name was Richard Brown.

I no longer have the tape of our session, but he did tell me that he saw me teaching people in a small community how to access their spirit. I was about 25 at the time. He also told me I would run Kundalini and that I had a lot of healing to do first. I would have to release a lot of rage and negativity before I would be ready to teach.

About 3 years later, I encountered Richard Brown again through Olga Nickle.

I met Olga Nickle through the Internet, in IRC chat. I had been a bit accident prone at that point in my life, having had a few minor bike (bicycle) accidents, such as burising, and a mild concussion. My life was also very dramatic at the time. Olga informed me that the accidents were my spirit trying to get my attention, and she did a healing with me, called The Learning Path, online. We measured my before and after results, and I did notice a difference.

I decided to take course with Olga (who was working with Richard Brown) called The Learning Path. Shortly thereafter, I moved back to Vancouver. But I continued to practice the Learning Path techniques in my life. I used it to get over a lifelong block I had against running... and I taught myself to go for jogs - and really enjoyed them! Olga also taught me some techniques for clearing crystals and clearing space. This is around the time that James Redfield published The Celestine Prophecy.

That winter, November 1995, I read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I also met with a group of people who formed an informal study group for the book. I started keeping a "morning pages" journal

At this time, a kind man in our group gave me a copy of this new book called Conversations with God - by Neale Donald Walsh. It was a softcopy book at the time. (And when I went to get more copies, it had been pulled off the shelves before a re-release into hardcover).

I found this book to be amazing! I started trying to talk to God in my own Morning pages, using them to reach Spirit. One morning, as I sat writing out my Morning Pages, I reached my Spirit... and was met with such a profound feeling of love that I began to cry. I went into the room where my father was and tried to explain it. I could see he was really happy for me, but that he'd not had the same experience.

For many years, I kept up my journalling, and at times, I was able to communicate with my spirit... I also vented a lot of anger and frustration about my life. It was an ongoing struggle - what to do with all that negativity?

I even found myself training people on how to use the Internet and though, at times, that this might be what Richard Brown was talking about. It wasn't.

After a short while, I entered into a relationship, and my boyfriend didn't really believe in this stuff, so I put things on hold for awhile.... or rather on the back burner.

During that time, I moved to Calgary and would go visit a friend of mine in Toronto named Anna. I visited her for a week, two years in a row. Each time I went to visit her, she was taking courses with a group called Training in Power. The third time I saw her, I was still living in Calgary, but working on a project in Vancouver. She was visiting Vancouver taking another course with Training in Power... and I began to wonder if maybe there was something to this coincidence. I called the registrar and there seemed to be no classes that fit with my Monday-Thursday schedule in Vancouver at the time.

A few months later, my relationship ended and I took a contract posting in Toronto, so I looked Anna up. Sure enough there was an intro session that night! I met the woman who was to be my teacher, Jan Walker, and felt a real sense of having known her from somewhere. And then I remembered what Richard Brown had told me some 7 years earlier.

I thought maybe this is the course he was talking about. Maybe this is what I'm meant to teach! And I signed up for the Training in Power Level 1 course. That was July 1999.